BRAKE is a hybrid animated short film about Linx, a meek individual and his service dog, Atlas. One day, a simple bus trip is made more complicated for the pair when an unsavory character arrives. His behavior pushes Linx to his breaking point and the stress finally overwhelms him. Can Atlas bring him back from this downward spiral before it’s too late?
BRAKE is a film dedicated to the disabled and misunderstood. The film helps the viewers experience how much of a struggle one task can become for those struggling with autism, and portrays Linx going through and responding to a series of triggers that led to a sensory overload with his service dog.
BRAKE is a film dedicated to the disabled and misunderstood. The film helps the viewers experience how much of a struggle one task can become for those struggling with autism, and portrays Linx going through and responding to a series of triggers that led to a sensory overload with his service dog.